God eater 2 blood rage
God eater 2 blood rage

god eater 2 blood rage

Naturally since Aragami are still a threat, Blood voluntarily become God Eaters again. Brought Down to Normal: In Rage Burst, Blood becomes this following the their counteracting the Devouring Apocalypse, which causes the Oracle Cells in the area to cease functioning and the "life recycling" of the Apocalypse to remake them as normal humans.Base on Wheels: The Friar base is a mobile Fenrir base which appears like a big structure moving through tracks."Tree of Life", which plays after completing Julius' character episodes, is about how far the characters have come, and has a Truck Driver's Gear Change in the final chorus."Faith", the Rage Burst credits theme, is about determination in the face of adversity.A song with vocals by Ingrid Gerdes about the emotions the aforementioned character feels as he dies, lamenting the fact that he'll be missing out on so much of life's experiences yet celebrating that he's sacrificing himself for the greater good. "Revolving Lantern", which plays during Romeo's Dying Moment of Awesome in the original story as well as the flashback to his time with Livie in the orphanage in Rage Burst.Award-Bait Song: Quite a few of them can be found in this game's soundtrack:.Blood Rage, which plays when your character enters the similarly-named Super Mode in Rage Burst.Wings of Tomorrow, Marduk's battle theme.However in the original game, it happened after Nana reawakens and gains control her Blood Power which happened long after Friar reached the Far East. Alternate Continuity: The part where Blood meets Alisa and had their first battle with a Psion-type Aragami note Excluding the first encounter with Marduk which occurred in cutscene only occurred before Friar reaches the Far East Branch in Rage Burst.However, in Rage Burst, this is averted, with not only Julius being saved from being the Cosmic Keystone to the Devouring Apocalypse, but also Romeo being Back from the Dead. Though technically, Julius isn't really dead, but he is stuck in a helix plant-like structure in order to stop his Singularity from evolving. Anyone Can Die: Romeo and Julius, two of your squad members, end up biting it.

god eater 2 blood rage

And the Adventure Continues: In the final cutscene of Rage Burst, the members of Blood, including the revived Julius and Romeo, decide to become God Eaters again after being Brought Down to Normal, leading to the next scene of them all at a mission and jumping off a cliff towards the action.

God eater 2 blood rage